Welcome to our website

This "Welcome to our website" page should contain an introduction to your website presentation. The "Welcome to our website" page should include a description of your project, aims and goals. It is organized as a guide for visitors to inform them about the most important products and services that you offer. It should be about your mission critical objectives which will be detailed in the following pages.

Visitor's notice

Treat your "Visitor's notice" page like it is your shop window. Show what you have to offer. This is the right place for presenting items like current news, discounts or promotions. Whatever you think will attract people to your site, put it here.


CLIMATE CHANGE: Farming Could Be Friend or Foe

01/11/2012 14:39
UXBRIDGE, Canada, Apr 2 (IPS) – Don’t forget about agriculture in the upcoming global negotiations to combat climate change, experts warn. Not only is farming most at risk in an increasingly variable and tempestuous climate, it is also a major emitter of greenhouse gases. But with the right...


30/10/2012 14:46
The G-20 April 2nd Summit in London acknowledged the group’s interdependence and moved toward greater cooperation now essential to reforming global finance. The G-20 endorsed the goal of building a resilient, sustainable and green economy. “We will make the transition towards clean,...

A New End: A New Beginning (Part 3)

30/10/2012 10:49
So, it doesn’t look to me like we’re going to be able to do what might be needed to maintain the present system . . . and it is likely that we’re at one of those extraordinary moments in history when each of us gets the opportunity to play an important role in not only transitioning to a new...

Swine Flu: Pandemic or Lesson on Releasing Fear?

29/10/2012 11:39
In recent weeks I’ve had the opportunity to speak to hundreds of people in person and through radio interviews and teleconferences about 2012: what may be coming in the way of earth shifts and human-caused changes and how to prepare for the most probable outcomes, while envisioning a new way...

Deep CO2 Cuts May Be Last Hope for Acid Oceans

27/10/2012 12:12
UXBRIDGE, Canada, May 15 (IPS) – Ocean acidification offers the clearest evidence of dangers of climate change. And yet the indisputable fact that burning fossil fuels is slowly turning the oceans into an acid bath has been largely ignored by industrialised countries and their climate treaty...

Celebrating the Summer Solstice on the Path to 2012

26/10/2012 13:40
As the Winter Solstice of 2012 fast approaches, marking a time of great transition for humanity and our planet, each turn of the cosmic wheel becomes more significant. The summer and winter solstices, along with the spring and fall equinoxes, have been occasions for celebrations and rituals for...

Faces – They Belong to All of Us

25/10/2012 11:45
There are 6.67 billion humans on planet earth; and 2.2 are between the ages of 0 an 18 years! These figures came up in a recent conversation with colleagues on climate change and sustainability. I was intrigued: What does or what will this mean? Thinking, as opposed to feeling, about these...

Private R&D Driving Growth of Global Green Economy

24/10/2012 15:30
  St. Augustine, FL, August 29, 2012 –  As of July 2012, $3.6 trillion has been privately invested in a greener, global economy, since 2007.  The Green Transition Scoreboard® reports research conducted by Ethical Markets Media tracking private investments...

Sustainability: The 5 Core Principles

23/10/2012 16:05
Deeper reflection on the concept of sustainability and the five core principles which together prescribe it reveals that the spiritual dimension, the spiritual principle, is fundamental to the quality and coherence of the whole. It is rarely incorporated, however, in the conventional calculus...

City States – How Cities are Vital to the Future of Sustainability

23/10/2012 11:59
GreenBiz | March 12, 2012 – The following report by SustainAbility explores a new take on the concept of “citystates” and how the sustainability of cities and business are inextricably linked. Produced in partnership with GreenBiz and sponsored by Ford Motor Company, the paper...
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