Education for Global Citizenship
Education Above All (EAA), has announced the release of a new publication, “Education for Global Citizenship”.
This book addresses the challenge of designing education programmes that can help students develop the skills, concepts, attitudes and values to become responsible global citizens. Case studies of current programmes reflect various components of global citizenship including education for “local and global citizenship”, “responsible citizenship”, peace, human rights, humanitarian norms and related themes, undertaken even in low-resource settings and in education systems affected by conflict and fragility.
The book includes 16 authoritative briefs from practitioners and specialists engaged in this work. The introductory chapters draw on these briefs to illustrate key principles, notably a holistic approach which systematically and explicitly includes and revisits the various component themes of education for local, national and global citizenship throughout the years of schooling. The objective is for students to identify personally with the values underlying positive citizenship, and examples are given of appropriate pedagogy to support this goal.
Lessons learned from the experience cited in this book indicate that serious initiatives addressing education for local, national and global citizenship field should be:
- Embedded in policy, with wide stakeholder buy-in;
- Long term and sustainable;
- Holistic, including the various sub-topics of local, national and global citizenship in a systematic way;
- Reinforced in each year of schooling and preferably in the wider society;
- Covering the local, national and global dimensions;
- Supported by pre-service and continuing in-service training of teachers;
- Developed and sustained in collaboration with local communities;
- Scalable with maintenance of quality;
- With feedback from monitoring and evaluation processes;
- Based on collaborative arrangements that ensure expertise over the longer term;
- With provision for periodic review and renewal.
The book concludes with recommendations for education ministries and other stakeholders at national and international level.
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